to: wbol-admin@WARNERBROS.COM
Hello, wbol-admin@WB July 2, 1998
(This is a Pitch, copyright 1991-2002 Gilgamesh® Productions)
I've recently received a letter from an attorney regarding rights to the domain name WONDERWOMAN.COM. Certainly, I do not wish to violate any laws, nor do I wish ill toward Wonder Woman, your character. You are a large corporation.
As I understand Internic policy, rights to a name follow from a valid registered trademark. According to their policy, I am entitled to receive a certified copy of that registered trade mark (Attainable from the US office of TM&Patents). I know this because I had to produce the same to defend my own registration of "Gilgamesh®" under similar circumstances.
It will be valuable for me to walk through this with you. I very much respect what your corporation has been able to achieve and would like to learn first hand from you regarding this controversy of Trade Mark Registration and Domain Name ownership on the net.
Talk to me Wonder Woman, for the future of freedom: Gilgamesh®.
My effort is to launch Gilgamesh® (Registered Category 41, USA), "Twenty-first century superhero, awestruck in wonder vision wisdom for the future of freedom."
So far it seems close to impossible. Yet, for the future of freedom, never give up. For the future of all of us, never give up. For the guys left on the beaches, never give up, pitch in, make a difference, you are the chooser. This is my commitment to the world. You can understand my curiosity when the opportunity to talk with Wonder Woman presented itself.
Awesome, Important and Valuable to the future of the world, we need you now more than ever, Gilgamesh® intends to influence and encourage us all into restored personal meaning and purpose. The future of freedom is in your hands. The choices you make, make a difference. Etc. Etc. One by one, Gilgamesh® attempts to attract your attention and points toward the awesome wonder.
My current personal goal is to offer entertaining voice modulated audio
spots by Gilgamesh® on Wonder Vision Radioabout Wonder Vision
. This is challenging to say the least.
Yet the cause is monumental. Wonder Vision sees clearly "How the mind
works" and saves those willing in the world from all the addictions.
Absolutely free to choose, See the movie, the new movie, the big movie,
the wonder movie. You are awesome, important and valuable to the future
of the world, we need you now more than ever.
Talk with me Wonder Woman. Talk with Gilgamesh®. The
concept is awesome. The time is now. The internet is my Wonder
Man effort to make it happen.
You can have without charge or opposition from me.
under development
and many others
please come back and visit often. Many more changes coming soon.
p.s. Warner Brothers never responded.